Mycorrhizal Impact

Mycorrhizal networks comprise a BioPlatform that enhances soil health, promotes beneficial microbial synergies, and permanently sequesters carbon

Carbon sequestration potential of up to 50 tCO2eq per acre cumulatively over first 15 years

The Problem:
Agricultural soil has become a net carbon emitter

Since the Industrial Revolution, agricultural progress has brought extremely high crop yields, feeding a burgeoning human population. During that same period, however, land-use changes, mostly for agriculture, have released 785 GtCO2eq into the atmosphere, almost as much as the combustion of fossil fuels.

The CO2 released into the atmosphere through modern cultivation methods is a major cause of climate change. The cropland topsoil that is now depleted of 50 to 70% of its carbon (and organic matter) is its rightful home. In fact, today’s cropland topsoil is only 31% saturated with carbon, which means that it can absorb 674 GtCO2eq more before reaching saturation. How can we sequester soil carbon to achieve this feat?

Carbon is at a surplus in the air and a deficit in the soil

Rootella Carbon is the Solution:
Agricultural soils can become a net carbon retainer.

Mycorrhizae are the main pathway of carbon into the soil. Application of Rootella mycorrhizal inoculants across the world’s 4B acres (1.6B hectares) of croplands has the potential to sequester up to 81GtCO2eq within 15 years, cumulatively.

Our Farmer Partners at the Center

The potential is enormous, but it all starts with you, the individual farmer, and your decision to start sequestering via mycorrhizal carbon and transforming your soil back into a net carbon retainer. Depending on your crops, soil type, and carbon saturation levels, you could sequester 1-4tCO2eq/acre (3-10tCO2eq/ha) every year by applying Rootella – and earn premium carbon credit revenue while helping restabilize our climate.

High quality carbon sequestration

Superior co-benefits & compelling farmer ROI

Leading scalability & impact potential

Mycorrhizal carbon’s impact
potential at scale is SIGNIFICANT

8.15M Rootella acres (3.3M ha) worldwide by EoY 2024 potentially translates to:

More food

6T Kcal, enough to feed 7M people (population of Serbia) for 1 year

Improved Farmer ROI through Co-benefits

Introducing mycorrhizae expedites farmer ROI by maximizing productivity & efficiency, with significant yield increases and up to 50% phosphorus fertilizer reduction

Drought Resistance

Equivalent to 15% of production saved from chronic drought annually

Restoring Degraded Soil and Boosting Drought Resistance

Regeneration of mycorrhizal networks supports the ecosystems that sustain life below and above ground

Cleaner Water and Soil

Reduction of 14 kt of phosphorus applied, or 2.5% of annual global P agricultural run-off pollution

Combating the Fertilizer and Water Crises

Reducing excessive use of synthetic fertilizers that contaminate and deplete water sources and marine ecosystems while improving plant moisture uptake

More Carbon Sequestered

16.5 MtCO2eq sequestered by Rootella (est.), equal to annual emissions from 3.7M cars

Main Pathway of Soil Carbon Storage

Up to 60% of all plant-derived soil organic carbon is attributed to mycorrhizae, making it a vital component in carbon sequestration cycle. Enhanced Soil Organic Carbon provides crop insurance through the fortification of soil aggregation and nutrient density, and increased resistance to drought and other climate-related stresses

Groundwork BioAg will be a Gigacorn: a company that can mitigate or remove at least a billion tons of GHG emissions
Nelson Switzer
Climate Innovation Capital

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