Frequently Asked Questions

Rootella Carbon


What are the primary requirements for eligibility in Rootella Carbon?

Rootella Carbon has a high eligibility rate with inclusive criteria.

These include:

  • 4-year commitment
  • Already practicing or willing to adopt minimum tillage practices
  • Use the Rootella family of products.
  • Upload and monitor grower data.
  • Farm landowner or equivalent.
Which types of crops qualify for eligibility?

Our current Rootella Carbon Program is designed for row crop farmers. This includes corn, soybean, cotton, and alfalfa. For more information, see our Rootella Compatibility document.

Is participation possible regardless of my cultivation techniques?

At this point, the Rootella Carbon Program is open for no-till or low-till growers, or farmers transitioning to such practices. However, we expect to open the program to all cultivation methods in the future.

What specific data is required when submitting my application?

Provide the past 5 years of historical agricultural land management (ALM) data, including crop rotation, field locations, fertilizer usage, and residue management.

Do you have a minimum land size prerequisite?

Rootella Carbon is open to farmers with a minimum farm size of 250 acres (100 ha).

Does land under a lease qualify for participation in Rootella Carbon?

Producers with a long-term land lease can participate with landowner approval, which must adhere to the legal requirements defined by the program facilitators.

Data Collection

Does this program involve additional paperwork and time?

You need to provide us with initial historical agricultural land mangement (ALM) data. Subsequently, our experts will handle the remaining steps of the process.

What's the method for measuring carbon data?

We carry out annual Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) and Bulk Density (BD) tests, in addition to carbon modeling, to acquire a comprehensive spectrum of data. Samples are collected at a depth of 12 to 20 inches for BD and 12 inches for SOC each year, ensuring an exceptionally precise carbon measurement. This entire process comes at no expense to the grower.

Who handles the soil sampling and lab measurements?

Groundwork BioAg is responsible for soil sampling and lab measurements.

Payment Process

How much does the grower get paid?

Growers receive up to 70% of net proceeds through a revenue-sharing model designed to optimize their earnings. Ultimate payment amount is a function of carbon credit market price, overall carbon yield across the Rootella Carbon project, and individual grower carbon yield.

When does the grower get paid?

Carbon credit proceeds are distributed among growers after sale of carbon credits by Groundwork BioAg. This process is dependent upon annual soil carbon measurements and verification per Verra standards. This process is estimated to take approximately two years from grower onboarding.

Rootella Carbon™

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